Think you could hold your own against Farmtruck or Azn? It’s time to put that to the test! At every live event Farmtruck and Azn are hosting Daily Driver Races for cash prizes. Bring your car and join in on the fun on the same track the No Prep Kings race on!
This is a race for daily drivers, not race cars so leave your race car stuff at home. We will be strict about this and people will be going home if they don’t fall into these rules. Track tech and Farmtruck & AZN will be the scrutinizers.
AWD may be eliminated if there aren’t enough entries
Vehicle must be tagged, titled, insured and owned by the driver.
Factory Glass, Body Panels and Frame. Body panels not to be removed. Fiberglass hood is okay.
Full Interior required. This mean no factory parts removed. Safety items added are okay. No Race Seats at all.
Factory Suspension, aftermarket shocks are okay.
No Roll cage or roll bar unless factory installed
No Trans brakes or two-steps are to be used.
No Parachutes
No Slicks or Drag Radials, Tires are limited to 300 minimum Tread wear. (Example: Pepboys Futura’s) No Bald Tires
Pump Gas Only (93 octane maximum, E-85 or Diesel) / Must have factory fuel tank
Nitrous Fuel Cell okay with pump gas only. All fuel will be tested
Power Adders okay
No Ice in Water to Air intercoolers
Full Exhaust to back of axle
Be prepared for a 70 – 100 mile cruise before race.
Rules and stipulations will be decided upon by Track Tech and Farmtruck and AZN (The Scrutineers)
Staging and light will be based on what the event is using at the time.
Jump is a red light, cross is a loss.
General Rules for Each Class
1. The racemaster has final say in all calls and discrepancies.
2. All races will be 1/8th mile, heads up, from a dig.
3. No times will be shown and no time slips will be given.
4. This is a NO PREP race. The racemaster will have sole discretion as to all maintenance done to the surface of the track.
5. All racers must attend a mandatory driver’s meeting before each round. During the driver’s meeting the racemaster will go over the rules and do pairings.
6. Pairings and lane choice will be decided with a chip draw. In the first round of each race, call outs are allowed, but do not have to be accepted.
7. Each racer can only draw one BYE. Competition byes do not count towards this.
8. The timing system will be determined by the racemaster. The racemaster will relay the specifics of the timing system during the driver’s meeting.
9. If you jump, you lose. The red light means the race is over and the win is automatically given to the other driver. Chase is NOT a race.
10. WATER burnout only – at the racers meeting, racers to decide on how many burnouts. Racemaster will make final decision if need be. The drivers can burnout past the starting line.
11. Crossing the center line will result in disqualification, unless the race is over.
12. If a piece of your car comes off and goes into the other lane IN FRONT of your competitor you lose, unless the race is over.
13. Forty-five minute cool-down time will be provided between each round, with the exception of the daily driver class. The 45-minute clock starts when the last pair of the previous round goes down the track and ends when the first pair goes down the track in the next round.
14. There will be ONE 20 minute call to the lanes (this can be at the driver’s meeting) and ONE 10 minute call to the lanes. When the time between rounds is up, you must be in the staging lane or you can be disqualified.
15. All cars must pass track safety inspection and meet the class rules outlined on the next page. Driver is required to wear all required safety gear, according to track policies. Track staff will have final say on safety inspection and must sign off on the tech card before a racer makes a pass down the track.
16. All cars must have NHRA or IHRA chassis certification. Cars in the Daily Driver race are exempt from this rule.
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